Sunday, February 25, 2007

leo, leo, leo

Remember Emily Blunt's role as a fashion-crazed assistant in "The Devil Wears Prada"? Maybe it wasn't too far from the truth after all, as she so far is one of my top fashion picks. She's wearing a long strapless dark blue gown, and I believe she's here with Michael Buble. Also, I'm glad Emily opted not to go with any bling. As far as jewelry goes...less is more. Always.
Oh! You know who else just arrived? Leonardo Dicaprio. This reminds me of why I devoted all of middle school and most of high school to salvating over magazines like Bop and Tiger Beat. Sure, he's wearing the classic suit, but he looks very suave with his hair slicked back and a fresh mystic tan. Mmmm...I'll be his Gisele rebound any day.

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